From time to time we’ll recommend a cool read that inspired someone on our team, or that we overall found really insightful in our creative day-to-day lives.

The Shape of Design

Frank Chimero


The Shape of Design began as a talk by Frank Chimero at the Build Conference, November 2010. Encouraged by the lecture’s response, Frank began to expand some of its themes into a book, eventually leading to a Kickstarter campaign to self-publish the work. The fundraising project launched in February 2011 and met its fundraising goal on the first day. It eventually reached four times its funding goal, making The Shape of Design one of the earliest successes from the design community on the Kickstarter platform. Since then, the book has found its way into design classrooms around the world as foundational reading, and grown its audience to include chefs, woodworkers, writers, and other creative practitioners.


Frank Chimero is a designer, writer, and illustrator. He runs a one-man studio specializing in publication design for page and screen, digital design systems, and image-making. For the last decade, he has established himself as a prominent voice in design, speaking worldwide on design theory and practice. Print Magazine recognized him as a New Visual Artist in 2011 and the next year the Art Directors Club selected his body of work for the Young Guns award.

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